Government Funding of Innovation Began Dropping in the 1980s – Now Most of What We See is Monetization of Old Technologies.

Semiconductors, solar panels, the internet, lithium ion batteries, computers, rockets, satellites, jet airplanes, modern tires, SIRI, liquid crystal display and multi–touch screen, MRI, radar, wind energy, GPS, Google, LEDs, and AI all originated through government funding – long ago. Government funded supersonic jet aircraft developed in San Diego and first flown in 1956. A time …

Enjoy Your High Fat Keto Diet And The Cancer That Comes With It

Scientists know there is a link between obesity and some cancers. A study in mice and people suggests why a high-fat diet increased the number of Desulfovibrio bacteria in the guts of mice, suppressing their immune systems and accelerating tumor growth. Studies of how to show that correlation is causation. A Desulfovibrio bacterium. This group of gut bacteria has …

Another Physician Fakes His Data, Including Clinical Trial Data

The NIH has paused clinical trials for 3K3A-APC, a stroke drug candidate sponsored by ZZ Biotech, a Texas-based company co-founded by Berislav V. Zlokovic, M.D., professor and chair of the department of physiology and neuroscience at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Imagine being killed by a fake drug because a physician falsified his data …

Physicians Are Killing People with Broad Spectrum Antibiotic Prescriptions

A new study suggest that treatment with piperacillin/tazobactam, a broad spectrum antibiotic that kills commensal anerobic bacteria in the gut, instead of cefepime may contribute to one additional death per every 20 septic patients treated. Increased duration of organ dysfunction results too. This is another example of physician ineptitude in their over prescribing and poor choice …

Austin is Where Ambition Continues to Die

Tesla in Austin is Imploding, Oracle Just Left, and Startups Literally Die in Austin Tesla Semi, built in Texas, Being Towed by Diesel Truck Not only did Big Tech not move into Austin as the conservative media hype had led us to believe, the little bit that is in Austin is crashing and people are …