Enjoy Your High Fat Keto Diet And The Cancer That Comes With It

Scientists know there is a link between obesity and some cancers. A study in mice and people suggests why a high-fat diet increased the number of Desulfovibrio bacteria in the guts of mice, suppressing their immune systems and accelerating tumor growth. Studies of how to show that correlation is causation. A Desulfovibrio bacterium. This group of gut bacteria has …

Cancer: It’s The Environment, and Sometimes Genetics Plays a Role

Analyses of tumors sometimes reveal a gene rearrangement or mutation, but no DNA mutations are found in many cancers, suggesting that mechanisms for cancer initiation are broader than is typically thought. Thinking outside the cancer mutation box. In the nineteen-seventies, Dr. Mina Bissell, Ph.D., a professor at UC Berkeley and the Berkeley Lab, was establishing …

Genetic Precision Medicine Leads to Financial Toxicity

Looking for diseases in all the wrong places – the genome – has led to billions of wasted dollars in research and treatments, and financial toxicity for patients As an example, let’s consider cancer. Cancer is a preventable disease triggered by environmental factors. A dramatic rise in cancer is occurring world-wide, including younger people, and …

Cancer on the Rise, Especially the Young. Physicians are Surprised. Ignorance Abounds.

Many biological systems exhibit remarkably high phenotype robustness, despite mutations. Mutations matter not. It’s the environment, stupid. And the environment is increasingly toxic. Diseases, including cancer, result. The headline reads, “Cancer rates in people younger than 50 are rising, new study finds. Doctors don’t yet know why.” In 1977, four scientists, Higginso, Muir, Doll, Peto …